Friday, December 9, 2011

"Sex Education in Schools"

In “Sex Education in Schools” fellow classmate Rebekah Tharp brings up the question of why sex education is not being taught in Texas schools. Tharp argues that Texas’s schools need to teach children about sex, more specifically Tharp believes sex education should be taught to children between 6th and 8th grade. She greatly supports her argument by bringing up the fact that the state of Texas constantly complains about the rate of teenage pregnancies yet it fails to do anything about the issue. Tharp provides further support to her argument by acknowledging the reality that although some people believe sex is something that should be taught in one’s household realistically it is not.
I agree that sex education should be taught in a health class by a medical professional, I for one remember being somewhat talked to about sex in my high school Health class by the school’s soccer coach. Now I cannot speak for everyone, but personally I do not believe a coach can be taken seriously when talking about the dangers of sexually transmitted diseases and the problems faced by teenage pregnancies. I agree giving children knowledge about sex early on in middle school, not high school, will certainly serve as a way of providing children with the proper tools to make better decisions when it comes to sex. I say middle school because that is around the time when puberty begins to kick in. Unfortunately the reality as Rebekah Tharp stated is that, “Texas is a very conservative state”, therefore I unfortunately do not see Texas making teaching sex education mandatory in schools anytime soon.

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